Saturday, February 16, 2008

Surf Art

I didn't know that I was such a talented artist, but when I was cleaning out an old desk I found this drawing circa 2002, when I began surfing. I don't remember drawing this, but I believe it gained the motivation during an 3 hour evening Women's studies class. Listening to her blab on and on for three hours about the various women who made they're journey to the West must have somehow pressured me to access a different region of my brain. Don't ask me why that kook doesn't just walk out to the point, I guess he likes to paddle.


Front Rock Review said...

I think you should re-name this blog 'Wet and Hot, smokin' hot' and focus on neoprene fetishization. You've got to find your niche in the Oregon/So Cal interwebro entanglement.

Wet and Cold said...

yeah, i think youre right. it is rather generic

Front Rock Review said...

Its not generic man. Its your take. I'm not trying to discourage you. I want to see some wantycentricty. How about a misty flip onto gravel?

Wet and Cold said...

I'll see what I can do...

Anonymous said...

Muy lindo!!, me parecio muy buena tu reflexion. Yo tambien pinto de vez en cuando algo sobre surfing... Congratulations!