Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Pump

Prices at the pump are way up. But are they really? 4 bucks a gallon is quite reasonable really. I mean, you get to go a long ways on 4 bucks. I drive a honda, so I get to go about 30 miles away for 4 bucks. Thats a pretty good freakin' deal. I sure as hell wouldn't want to walk that. So before we complain, think about the actual benefits versus the costs. Not just the dollar costs, but the environmental cost (the US is the top producer of greenhouse gases). Its hard to complain about global warming and the cost of gas at the same time. Hypocrisy? A little.... Lets face it, our economy relies on this limited natural resource. keyword being "limited". So im pretty thankful for 4 bucks a gallon. I can get to the coast and surf for ~25 $ in gas. Cheers!

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