Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beachy Pt. 2

I encountered a small shark out in the water yesterday at a good open beach break. He was about 5-6 ft long and had a dorsal fin of about 10 inches (of course i could be exaggerating because thats what I do). Anyway, this guy was splashing around a little bit. Possibly feeding, but he could have been injured or sick now that I think about it. Some salmon sharks have been reported beached lately and possibly sick with a brain virus ( This is most likely the case. This thing easily capture my attention so I was missing set waves while trying to figure out what the hell it was. As soon as I saw the dorsal fin I got out in a smooth hurry.

I also picked up a new fujifilm camera which took the above 3 shots. So far so good.


Anonymous said...
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Front Rock Review said...

Loving these abstract beach shots.

Wet and Cold said...

thank ya